For children who suffer from acute anxiety or who must undergo extensive procedures, our dentists offer general anesthesia. Drs. Neal and Amy Smith have received the advanced training needed to deliver this anesthesia, allowing patients to sleep peacefully during treatment. Call our team at Central Washington Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about general anesthesia in Yakima, Washington.

General anesthesia is also known as deep sedation, but unlike our other sedation options, general anesthesia causes a loss of consciousness. We typically use general anesthesia for some of the following circumstances:

  • For oral surgery or extensive dental procedures
  • If the patient experiences acute dental anxiety
  • Patients who have severe physical or mental problems that impede them from receiving necessary dental treatments

Although the use of general anesthesia may sound like an extreme solution, it is actually less invasive than the anesthesia used in non-dental medical procedures. With general anesthesia, your child won’t feel pain or discomfort while the treatment is being performed. They will simply sleep quietly throughout it. Parents can relax knowing that their child will feel comfortable during a procedure. You can also rest assured that our dentists have received the additional training needed to administer general anesthesia safely. Call our dental team today if you want to learn more about general anesthesia.